Monday, October 23, 2006

Is Satellite Radio Coming To iPods?

Is Apple considering integrating both terrestrial and satellite radio into its iPods? A variety of techies think so.

According to Orbitcast and Macintosh News Network, which cover satellite radio and all things Apple respectively, Apple has filed a patent application for a method of saving media from various sources for later purchase. Among those "sources" — terrestrial and satellite radio.

“It's an ingenious method of grabbing snippets of audio, identifying the song and allowing the user the option to purchase that song," according to Orbitcast.

The benefit to Apple in adding radio to iPods is that it allows users to discover new music — which they can then buy from the company's iTunes Music Store. The benefit to satellite radio is obvious — iPod integration means one more platform for the medium.

According to the patent, the technology allows the user to tune "into a wireless signal (e.g., AM FM radio, digital radio, or WiFi)" using either a wireless card or "the capability to accept accessories to add the necessary functionality."

Terrestrial radio is currently available on certain models of iPods with a remote accessory.

Further on in the application, Apple cites possible vehicle integration, and actually names XM as a possible satellite partner.

By Ken Tucker

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